Thursday 19 March 2015

An offcial guide to Ocho Rios Jamaica with step by step directions

Traveling to Ocho Rios Jamaica and need an official guide backed with history, directions, food, and attraction suggestions ?  Then check out this e book by clicking the link below. It is like using a GPS system!

Monday 16 March 2015

Make your HIT song today

I am a signed song writer to the world  renowned The Worldwide Elite Embassy, its publishing division. I specialize in writing songs in  reggae, dancehall, pop, R&B, and hip hop. Please contact me for more information about how we can work together.

Monday 2 March 2015

New Start up companies need good slogans

As a newly formed start up company you need to separate yourself being  the feeble from day one and that comes with branding. Specifically setting your company apart from the competitors by having a powerful or unique name and a kick ass slogan.
A regular old slogan will give an indication of what your company is  about but a GREAT  slogan will virtually make the product sell it self. Having a slogan that is well written speaks volume about a new start up company's product or services so the better the slogan the less work you have to do marketing the product or service you offer.
As a new kid on the block, you need to use strategies so that no one takes you for a push over.The  best way to do this is to make your name be known and what you have to offer. Big companies try to over shadow smaller companies by giving the impression as if they are the best thing since slice bread, but this is not so because they too have to keep up to the demand and reinvent themselves each time. The only way you will survive in this vicious world of business is by having a strong brand.
Having a strong brand entails having a strong presence that will attract customers. A strategy to do this is to use a quirky name, a colloquial term, or a slogan that speaks its mind.  slogan that speaks its mind is one that is direct like "Just do It", by Nike. This slogan tells you what you need to do to become apart of greatness literally without being obnoxious. This is a good strategy as its direct, commanding, and spiced with confidence.
Slogan writing for new start up companies is a good way to attract customers if you  use the right words.People will gravitate to a new start up company because of what they represent and what they can offer to them. As a new company or business, your first priority should be your customers and acquiring customers require a bit of leg work which can be solved by using the right slogan to take your company or brand to the next level.

Sunday 1 March 2015

SONG writing Services

I am a signed song writer. I specialize in reggae, RnB , dancehall, and hip hop. If you are represented by a Publishing company that's a plus if not consult me to get one for you!
If you would like me to write a song for you,please contact me by filling out the SLOGAN REQUEST form below to get my skype address and to go over a few things. 
Slogan Jam

Saturday 28 February 2015

Jamaican T Shirt Words

Jamaican T Shirt Words
Wear these words on your T shirt

Di ting A shat, Shellins!

Likkle in a Body, BAD inna Bed

Bob would approve

Weedalize di ting!

Nuh sey nutten Yah!

I man smoking yuh jokin’

Dem Call mi Miss Tighty

Nuh eat Poke
 just Gimme di Hile

You play Hockey,
We namns Ackee
Dohn’ Watch me, Yuh eye wi hurt yuh

How to Write a Catchy Slogan for Your Small Business

      Writing a catchy slogan for your business is a challenge in itself but you do not have to worry because there are experts who can hook you up with a few good ideas. A catchy slogan is important because you want a saying that stucks in people's heads preferably  short phrases with few syllables as possible Nothing too complicated!
      Big companies have been hiring freelancers to help come up with that perfect slogan and so should you since they are cost effective and works well with  most peoples budget. Hiring an advertising agency could cost you thousands of dollars and no one wants to invest so much money if you do not know how successful it will be.
      If you want a good slogan, you should really consider using people who have the experience in this type of business. You have to be mindful that other companies are not using the same slogan as this can cost you a law suit! The best option is to propose  an idea and have a slogan writer or copy writer do it for you.
       In writing a slogan you have to consider a couple things. The first priority would be to determine if it represents your business. The second priority is,  is  it catchy enough? and probably the most important, does it stuck in people's heads? that's what you should be going for!
 Finding the right slogan writer can be tricky but trust your instincts and hire someone who knows about business and brand development and someone who works hard and wants to see your business succeed. Do not use some kind of slogan generating machine, you need someone with a brain!

Come Speak with us today! REQUEST a slogan

Thursday 26 February 2015

Startup companies can make money using slogans like the Jamaican Volkswagon Superbowl commercial

It was like yesterday that Volkswagen aired a Superbowl commercial that  hit the ball out of the park since they got tens of millions of views and reviews just by using a Jamaican slogan and words in their commercial and so should you. The reason why this works is because Jamaica is a premier travel destination, rich in language and culture, and yes they are "hella" cool people. Its is also the birth place of reggae king  Bob Marley and the fastest man in the world Usain Bolt.
The Jamaican theme usually works in commercials because the language is unique, the words convey a strong meaning, and they are short and easy to remember. Using Jamaican words and slogans in your business could be your next marketing strategy to increase awareness to a product or service you have. Take for example you have a new computer software, that scans and permanently fixes repeated errors in text  that you want to market, adding a tagline or slogan with a Jamaican flare could be 'One tyme and e set". This means that the software  fixes the error once and for all, and the "E" means its  something digital and very tech -savy.
In order for people to become interested in your new startup business you need to capitalize on what has worked and not try to reinvent the wheel. The big companies are benefiting  by using this simple marketing tool and you can too. All you need is the right choice of words to create that perfect slogan that will be on the lips of everyone for a very long time.
Because so many successes have been achieved, SloganJam has decided to help start up companies use a bit of Jamaican flare to there business by using  simple Jamaican slogans and taglines as a part of their branding strategy. Your business should be something people are talking about and the best way is to do it the right way the first time, and you will be on your way to success. Irie and nuff respect!

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Commercials, Movies, Auditions, Music Video and ideas Writing

We write monologues and dialogues for commercials,movies ideas,play audition, music videos themes, party ideas, as well as cartoon animation. We are the Idea people  so what ever you can dream up we'll be up for the challenge!

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Examples of Slogans Work

We clean on time leaving your place bright and shine
Beat the Dust sparkling clean is a Must
Cleaning is easy we’ll leave your place nice and breezy
Carpets become magical leaving them admiral
Clean is what we do best we’ll take care of the rest
We clean fast; a fresh clean scent will last
A spotless carpet is our target

Jamaican Style
Nammin is Jammin'
Lan see an plenti
Ting shat so Wat?

Shower Cleaner Names
Sponge-Jet Cleaner
Splish Flash

Forever is just a flick away
 AbsoLIGHTLY Bright always
Some Shine from day til dawn


Slogans ...........$25 USD per hour

Product Naming....... $20 USD per hour

Other requests: Fill in Request form

Request a Slogan